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Protecting and Promoting Food and Seed Sovereignty

ESAFF Uganda focuses on promoting and protecting the rights of small-scale farmers and citizens to control our food systems, including markets, ecological resources, food cultures, and production modes.

ESAFF Uganda achieves this through using the following modes:

  1. Community Agroecology Schools - These are community learning centres that bring together different farmer groups

  2. Agroecology Clubs - These are in learning institutions like primary, secondary/high schools and universities focusing on sharing knowledge with students

  3. Agroecology School for Journalists and Communicators - This is an online school that teaches journalists and communicators to support the transition to agroecology

  4. Farmer Field Schools - These focus on promoting FMSS through empowering small-scale farmers in PPB and nutrition. Small-scale farmers are improving access to Plant Genetic Resources (PRG).

  5. Community Seed Banks - These are seed collection, storage, sharing, and distribution centres in communities.

  6. The Land Rights Support Centre - A platform focused on providing land rights information and support to small-scale farmers.

  7. ADRM Committees - These are trained locally-based committees that support resolving land disputes.

  8. Enabling voices, Demanding rights tool in Large Scale Land Based Investment (LSLBI) - This tool is used for meaningful community engagement in Large Scale Land Based Investments in Agriculture.

Creating opportunities for Economic Empowerment of small-scale farmers especially women

ESAFF Uganda aims to skill small-scale farmers and empower them to overcome economic challenges. ESAFF Uganda works to ensure livelihoods are resilient and profitable by empowering small-scale farmers’ especially women and youth, to improve productivity and profitability.

ESAFF Uganda achieves this through using the following modes:

  1. Agroecology Business Hub - This is a platform that addresses 3 business limitation for small-scale farmers i.e. capacity, capital and market.

  2. KilimoMart App - This is an online market platform that small-scale farmers use to sell their products and services.

  3. Business Showcase - Through partnership with different business-focused event organisers (organisations/private sector), small-scale farmers have an opportunity to show case their businesses.

  4. Women in Agriculture (WiA) Conference - This is an annual conference that brings together women to discuss and strategise.

  5. PESA Agro Enterprise Marketing Model - This model was developed by ESAFF Uganda and PELUM Uganda to contribute to addressing marketing issues for small-scale farmers. 

Influencing Public and Private sector Agriculture Financing for agroecology

ESAFF Uganda focuses on increasing small-scale farmers’ participation in influencing financial investment in the agriculture sector by both public and private sectors and influencing regional and continental agriculture development targets.

ESAFF Uganda achieves this through using the following modes:

  1. Public Expenditure Tracking (PETS) Committees - These are community level budget tracking teams that critically follow public expenditure and report findings.

  2. Budget Dialogues - These are organized from community to national levels to influence public and private financing in the agriculture sector.

Building a strong Small-scale Farmer-led Policy Influencing Movement

ESAFF Uganda focuses on strengthening membership from the sub-county level to the national level. ESAFF Uganda focuses on building a strong small-scale farmer-led policy influencing structures of the Forum from the grassroots to the national level and contributing to regional and global processes.

ESAFF Uganda achieves this through using the following modes:

  1. Group Dynamics Model - This focuses on group assessment and action planning to build self awareness and action-led panning.

  2. Community Action Planning System (CAPS) - These are set of tools that enable small-scale farmers understand action planning as an effective method of advocacy at community level.

  3. Agroecology Library for Small-scale Farmers - This platform focuses on collecting, summarizing, translating and distribution of information to small-scale farmers in ways that can easily be understood and utilized.

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