Small Scale farmers in Uganda and the world at large are experiencing immediate and disproportionate impacts from climate change. Shaping the identities, culture, and livelihoods of SSFs was and continues to be dependent on their close and intimate relationship with nature. Unfortunately, the determining of decisions, policies, and actions taken to address climate change tends not to value so much indigenous knowledge. This has often led to the development of strategies that fail to address the threats to the well-being of the present and future generations of SSFs, and as such tend to fail society-at-large as well.
Given the immediate and serious threat that climate change poses to farmers and the valuable role they can play in helping address these threats, ESAFF Uganda intervened with support from the Norwegian Embassy through;
Piloting a study on the Indigenous practices that SSFs use in Climate Change adaptation and mitigation in Mubende and Soroti districts resulting into a study report, fact sheets, farmer’s position paper and demands to policy makers.
Mapped and documented indigenous climate change adaptation/ mitigation practices in Mubende and Soroti districts. This lead to development and dissemination of information and education materials i.e. video documentaries, posters, banners, t-shirts and flyers to inform advocacy in climate change.
Conducted Capacity Building Workshops on Climate change advocacy, adaptation and mitigation in Mubende and Soroti districts with interest to improve on the knowledge and skills of SSFs and local leaders as well as informing farmer’s advocacy in climate change
ESAFF Uganda further organized regional events in Mubende and Soroti districts as platforms for farmers to share experiences, showcasing their indigenous knowledge in climate change adaptation, engagement with policy makers, media and technocrats in climate change.
ESAFF Uganda also participated in climate change events at national and regional levels i.e. WED as well as creating synergies or networks and partnerships with likeminded organizations on climate change
Therefore, it is critically important to establish a collaborative effort between climate change and indigenous knowledge to guide the development of intercultural strategies for community-based adaptations and mitigation if we are to have a better world of today and tomorrow free from hunger and environmental conservation.