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Our story

Eastern and Southern Africa Small-scale Farmers’ Forum (ESAFF) was formed during the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) held in 2002 in South Africa. This was in an effort to create a Forum to bring together small-scale farmers into a social movement to influence favourable agriculture policies and practices at global, continental, regional, national and local levels.

ESAFF Uganda became operational in 2008 and has since become the largest small-scale farmer-led advocacy movement in Uganda. ESAFF Uganda works to enhance the SSFs ability to make informed decisions and participate meaningfully in development processes. ESAFF Uganda currently has a membership of a membership of 12588 small-scale farmer community organisations in 54 districts representing over 765,560 individual small-scale farmers of which 67 percent are women.

ESAFF Uganda is also part of a bigger network of small-scale farmers in 15 other countries in Eastern and Southern Africa including South Sudan, Rwanda, Burundi, Kenya, Tanzania, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, South Africa, Lesotho, DR Congo, Madagascar, Seychelles and Mozambique.

ESAFF Uganda is also part of La Via Campesina (LVC) which is the largest peasant organisation in the world.

Small-scale farmers attending a land rights awareness community event organised by the ADRM Committee

Vision and Mission

Our mission is “To nurture the participation of small-scale farmers in sustainable development processes”, for self-reliance through advocacy, capacity building and institutional development.


Our vision is to see “Empowered and self-reliant small-scale farmers” – especially women.

ESAFF small-scale farmers digging as a group

Our Strategic Goal

A strong small-scale farmer-led advocacy movement actively contributing to improved livelihoods, food sovereignty and favourable agriculture policies.

“Small-scale farmers speaking for themselves”

We are building a movement of small-scale farmers from grassroots to national level across the country that positions small-scale farmers' interests in policy processes at all levels.

Small-scale farmers smiling after harvesting millet and now heading back home

© 2024 by ESAFF Uganda

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